Sources Used In
Tales of the Early Republic
Periodicals: 'K...'

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Knickerbocker, New York Monthly Magazine, 1833-1860s.

Literary magazine which published works by many of the most popular and/or best writers of the time. Edited by Lewis Gaylord Clark, who took it over after a year and some months of brief editorships by Charles Fenno Hoffman, Timothy Flint, and Samuel D. Langtree.

Though it was unconnected with Washington Irving, much of was in his spirit - genteel, amusing, and apolitical. Very popular though not very financially successful. A group of contributors published, in 1855, The Knickerbocker Gallery as a benefit to its editor, Clark. The procedes helped pay for the home where he spent his last years.

Copyright 1998 by Hal Morris, Secaucus, NJ

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