Sources Used In
Tales of the Early Republic
Books by Authors: 'H...'

(or titles: 'H...', if no author is given)

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Part of the Tales of the Early Republic Web Project

Hall, James, Travels in North America (orig: 1829):

A critical description of American society by an English seaman.

Hamilton, James A., Reminisences of James A. Hamilton; or Men and Events, at Home and Abroad, During Three Quarters of a Century (New York: Scribner 1869)

Cited often in Cole's MVB.

R.U.L.: E338.H218Re

Hamilton, a son of Alexander Hamilton, became a close political associate of Martin Van Buren. He approached Van Buren as did many "high minded Federalists", during the War of 1812. The "high minded Federalists" were those who wanted to support the war effort, while many, perhaps most, Federalists hated the war and, in some cases went so far as to advocate seccession from the U.S.

Hamilton was frequently of service to Van Buren and Andrew Jackson.

These memoirs are cited very frequently by works about the era.

Hambrick-Stowe, Charles E. Charles G. Finney and the Spirit of American Evangelicalism (Eerdman's 1996)

Reviewed by Ruth Alden Doan on H-SHEAR, Fall 1997.

Hammond, Jabez D., The History of Political Parties in the State of New York, from the Ratification of the Federal Constitution to December, 1840. 2 vols, Cooperstown NY 1842.

Cited in Cole's MVB..., Benson's Concept of Jacksonian Democracy, and elsewhere. Hammond was a participant who generally sided with Van Buren, but was, I think, pretty independant of VB's clique.

Handlin, Oscar, Boston's Immigrants, 1790-1865; a Study in Acculturation, (Cambridge: Harvard U. Press 1941.)

NYPL: Humanities-Gen Research Call # SEV (Handlin, O. Boston's immigrants)

Handlin, Oscar, Truth in History (Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press, 1979)


NYPL: Humanities-Gen Research Call # JFE 79-3586

Harlow, Alvin Fay, Old Bowery days; the chronicles of a famous street, (New York & London, D. Appleton and company, 1931)

Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (1901,1904):

Not especially recommended, unless you are poor like me and find it in a used bookstore. 10 volumes of about 500pp each.

It shows the prejudices of its time; e.g. having no article on David Walker,

One nice feature is its extensive quoting of speeches and writings by the subjects featured in articles.

Harrold, Stanley, Gamaliel Bailey and Antislavery Union (Kent State U. Press, 1986)

Haswell, Charles, Reminiscences of New York by an Octogenarian (1816 to 1860), (NY Harper 1896)


Hedrick, Joan D, Harriet Beecher Stowe, A Life (Oxford U. Press 1994)

Helper, Hinton Rowan, George M. Fredrickson (ed), The impending crisis of the South; how to meet it. (Cambridge, Mass., Belknap Press of Harvard U. 1968.)

R.U.L.: E449.H483 1968

Henretta, The Evolution of American Society, 1700-1815; An Interdisciplinary Analysis (Lexington, MA, 1973)

Hinks, Peter P.

Hinks, Peter P., To Awaken My Afflicted Brethren - David Walker and the Problem of Antebellum Slave Resistance (Pennsylvania State U. Press, 1997)

An excellent book, of 301 pages. Gives the few facts that are known about David Walker, as well as the disputed assertions, with a detailed discussion of the evidence for the varying claims. The author also marshalls a great mass of evidence to make convincing claims about Walker's upbringing, in the Wilmington/Cape Fear region of North Carolina, and his early adulthood in "Denmark Vessey's Charleston".

Mostly, the book integrates the few facts, and the speculations, about Walker, with a great deal of context: the skilled free and black labor force (especially boatmen, including pilots), of the Cape Fear area; the troubles of the black Methodist churches of the Wilmington and Charleston areas, and how these troubles appear to have played a role in driving Charleston African Americans to the desperate conspiracy led by Vessey; the context of black seamen on ships coasting the eastern shore, which Charlestonians rightly saw as a threat to their "peculiar institution"; and of the tenuous life of northern urban African Americans, particularly in Boston, where Walker spent the last few years of his life.

Hodes, Martha Elizabeth, White women, Black men : illicit sex in the nineteenth-century South, (New Haven, CT : Yale University Press, c1997)

Hogan, William Ransom, and Davis, Edwin Adams, William Johnson's Natchez (Baton Rouge, LA, LSU Press 1951, 1979, 1993)

Diary, from 1835 till 1851 (his death) of a free black barber, businessman, slave-owner. Born in 1809, his mother was freed in 1814 and he, in turn, was, in 1820. Details business transactions, 4th of July celebrations, and many details of life.

Holland, William M., The Life and Political Opinions of Martin Van Buren Vice President of the United States (Hartford, 1835).

Holloran, Peter C., Boston's wayward children : social services for homeless children, 1830-1930 (Rutherford: Fairleigh Dickinson U Press ... c1989) (M=Northeastern U. Press, 1994)

NYPL: Humanities-Gen Research Call # JLE 90-352

P:11.37(NEHS Conf,4/98)

Hone, Philip; Tuckerman, Bayard, ed, Diary of Philip Hone, 1828-1851 (2 vol, NY 1899)

Cited fairly heavily in Gentlemen of Property... for descriptions of New York mobs.

This is, in fact very much a standard reference cited in numerous books for conveying the flavor of events in the period which it covers.

Philip Hone, onetime mayor of New York, often dined with men like John Quincy Adams.

Horton, James Oliver and Lois E. In Hope of Liberty: Culture, Community, and Protest Among Northern Free Blacks, 1700-1860 (New York: Oxford U. Press, 1997)

Howe, Daniel Walker, Making the American Self : Jonathan Edwards to Abraham Lincoln, (Cambridge, Mass. ; London : Harvard University Press, 1997)

R.U.L: E169.1.H76 1997

Howe, Daniel Walker, The Political Culture of the American Whigs (U. Chicago Press, 1979)

Voted "one of the 10 most important books for graduate students (of the period; mostly the 1830s and 1840s in American history) by Richard John's poker-playing circle at the 1997 SHEAR convention.

Howe, Daniel Walker, The Unitarian conscience: Harvard moral philosophy, 1805-1861 (Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Press, 1970).

R.U.L.: BX9833.6.B68H69 1970

General Note: Originally presented as the author's thesis, University of California at Berkeley, 1966

Fuller, Margaret; Howe, Julia Ward, Love-letters of Margaret Fuller, 1845-1846, (New York, Greenwood Press [1969])

Howland, Edward, Annals of North America, (Hartford: J.B.Burr, 1877)

Hunt, William, The American Biographical Sketch Book (NY 1848)

Called MVB "self-made man".

Hutchinson, Thomas, The History of the Colony and Province of Massachusetts-Bay, Vol III (NY: Kraus Reprint 1970; Orig: ??, 1828; later Harvard U. Press 1936)

P:$1.00+nj-tx; SBS 11/20/98 (vol III)

Vol 3 covers 1749- "arrival of Governor Gage", a period in which Gov. Hutchinson was particularly interested.

Hutchison, William R., The Transcendentalist Ministers; Church Reform in the New England Renaissance,([Hamden, Conn.] Archon Books, 1972 [c1959])

Copyright 1998 by Hal Morris, Secaucus, NJ

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