Sources Used In
Tales of the Early Republic
Periodicals: 'M...'

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Part of the Tales of the Early Republic Web Project

The Marylander

A paper, out of Baltimore, advocating the John Q. Adams' reelection to the presidency, which lasted from December 1827 til some time after the 1828 election. (Source: Vexler, Baltimore, p31)

The Methodist Protestant

Short-lived organ of a set of Methodist dissidents centered around NJ and Baltimore. Gamaliel Bailey, who became an important abolitionist, edited it for 11 months beginning January 1831. (Source: Harrold, Gamaliel Bailey, p6)

Millennial Harbinger

(founded and?) edited by Alexander Campbell from 1830 - 1863 (source Harper's Ency)

The Mirror of Liberty

A quarterly, edited by David Ruggles, in, or beginning, 1838. (source: Bergman, Chronological..., p165)

Missouri Enquirer

Established by Thomas Hart Benton.

Copyright 1998 by Hal Morris, Secaucus, NJ

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