Part of the Tales of the Early Republic Web Project
Ran an item on 5/2/29 about George Washington Adams' disappearance which was seen by his parents.
In summer 1826, gave a glowing review to Anne Royall's first book, Sketches... (James, Anne Royall's U.S.A., pp160)
In August 1829, advertised the Sachem just in from the far east, bearing "sugar, sapan wood, gamboge [a gum resin from trees used as a cathartic or a yellow pigment], buffalo horns, leopard skins, and tin." (Source: Walace and Walace, The Two, p47) (see 8/16/29)
Ad on 9/1/29: GREAT NATURAL CURIOSITY Last Week of the Exhibition of the Siamese Double Boys .... the Forenoons of Thursday, Friday and Saturday next, will be devoted to the reception of Ladies, from 9 to 1..."(Source: The Two, p60)
Irish newspaper in Boston (Source: p13, How the Irish...).
9/23/39 - While not supporting slavery, blasted abolitionism as connected to religious bigotry (anti-Catholicism), as indeed it was by association at least.
Edited in 1840 by Patrick Donohoe (Source: p14, How the Irish...).
2/5/42 - In criticizing O'Connell's stand on slavery, said abolitionists doctrines would "Bath the whole South in blood."(Source: p13, How the Irish..., which refers to 3/4/42 reprint in The Liberator).
Irish(?) newspaper in Boston. Called (Garrisonian abolitionists) "infinitely more reprehensible [than slave-holders]". (Source: p13, How the Irish...).
Copyright 1998 by Hal Morris, Secaucus, NJ